I just answered a few key questions on AlphaFold -like a quick FAQ

Maybe you had the same questions, or simply want to know what this is about?

Someone who’s studying modern methods for protein structure prediction just contacted me with some questions about AlphaFold. I think the student’s initiative to contact me was great -in fact I think students should approach researchers more often, like this student did.

I explained to the student that what s/he asked was too much to cover in a single email, yet I wanted to give provide some answers. And I think I could do a fine job, distilling brief-but-clear answers in few characters.

Let me share with you these answers, a kind of FAQ list on AlphaFold.


Here are my replies in bold and marked with ***

Subject: Guidance on Protein structure predictionsHi Luciano,I am a newbie in the protein structure prediction world. I came across your blog which helped me gain some insight into the current status of the field.I have the following questions.1. When we design a new protein model from AlphaFold, what are the checks one should perform before analyzing the results***AF is to model, not design. I guess you mean this. Once you have your prediction ready, check that the pLDDT values



LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)
LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)

Written by LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)

https://www.lucianoabriata.com | Scientific writing, technology integrator, programming, biotech, bioinformatics.| Have a job for me? Contact me in ES FR EN IT

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