A corner of the growing edible balcony orchard, including a vertical wooden rack and a pot hanger. Just this small space fits corn salad, strawberries, a lettuce plant regrowing after having eaten it, and small plants of sage, thyme and lavender. And some wildflowers. Can you spot them all? This and all other photographs by author Luciano Abriata.

New report from the edible balcony garden

New plants for the balcony orchard and devising ways to fit them all!

Re-growing salad stems, buying a few key plants, arranging the balcony to maximize space, and building a vertical rack and pot hangers.



LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)
Gardening, Birding, and Outdoor Adventure

https://www.lucianoabriata.com | Scientific writing, technology integrator, programming, biotech, bioinformatics.| Have a job for me? Contact me in ES FR EN IT