Two-hand manipulation of molecular models with affordable VR devices in WebXR-enabled web browsers

Towards web-based, interactive, collaborative work in molecular modeling and chemistry education.


Third article of this new section of the where I report the outcomes of completed projects for my main job.

Two-hand manipulation of molecular models with affordable VR devices in web browsers: Towards web-based, interactive, immersive collaborative work in molecular modeling

Grantee: Luciano A. Abriata

Funder: Hasler Stiftung (listed here)

Summary -long but complete enough to grasp all essentials

This project originally proposed to use a commercial low-cost infrared camera that tracks users’ hands, to manipulate virtual molecules in computers; initially by single users and then collaboratively among two users. As explained in a dedicated letter right before starting to work on the project, fast changes in technologies and other reasons prompted us to adapt our project to a high-end virtual reality (VR) device that had just dropped costs becoming affordable. The device is the Oculus Quest 2, available for 400 CHF, a stand-alone VR…



LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD) | Scientific writing, technology integrator, programming, biotech, bioinformatics.| Have a job for me? Contact me in ES FR EN IT